My screen name all around the web is jaksprats for the simple reason that I was never that into screen-names and I had to choose one for some random sign up and I chose the most boring generic one that wasnt already taken :)

My real name is Russell Sullivan, I was born and raised just outside of Washington D.C. Went to the University of Michigan Ann Arbor for my undergrad in Computer Engineering. I lived in Germany for 8 years, then a few years in Silicon Valley, then one in Argentina, now back in Silicon Valley, married and settled.

My blog is mostly about computer science, focussing on innovations in distributed databases and there is the occasional miscellaneous rant.

My last project: a Hybrid Relational-Database/NOSQL-Datastore called Alchemy Database was bought by Aerospike, where I was last spotted as the company’s chief architect. I am currently in a stealth startup, that is soon to come out of stealth.

As a programmer, product-designer, and entrepreneur, my goal is to push things forward and to do so by innovating on the technological level.

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